Sunday 21 August 2016

Monday in the city

It is colder today than I thought and a return visit to the Queen Vic for an overpriced coffee and
croissant makes the awful news from Turkey and Syria seem even worse. The craze for Olympic news is over but the recriminations continue about the Australians' poor performance. But it is also the administration under fire with big boss Coates having to bear much of the blame.

More bombing of Kurdish people in Turkey....
This is the reality of patriarchal countrieswhere girls are taken at age thirteen to marry a much older man and have no rights or knowledge of anythng else. Is this just?
Trump finally has someone who may save hisimage a little - a smart woman who was Ted Cruz' former advisor.
Another smart woman sitting next to me atthe Metropole

For all Brazilians this was theircrowning glory. In football, their greatest passion, they beat their arch-rivals Gemany in the finals to win Gold. A nation rejoiced.
This was one of the biggestcontroversies in the games regarding a perceived inter-sex athlete winning gold - she was congratulated later by her wife.
Here is St Phil

Photo of St Patrick's Catholic Church right in the cityat Church Hill. It was where my parents married in 1929 so I dropped in and happened to witness a noon Mass. It was a nice memory of my dear Mum who passed on eight years ago.
Inside the traditional church..where in the recesses of my memory I recognisd the Confessional where about fifty years ago I had my last confessing experience, not a very successful one either!
Not far away is the Barangaroo site of theinfamous city casino being built by billionaire gambling supremo Jamie Packer. He bought this most historical site throwing in this patch of green as a sweetener. How corrupt is the NSW government when gambling takes precedence over a revered Aboriginal site.

The weather turned wet and very chilly after the Mass so I high-tailed it back to Malabar. Tonight we are going for a pub meal with my brother's friends at Pagewood, and tomorrow at nine a.m. is the Jewish funeral ceremony of Sam Samra, one of Mike's best friends for over fifty years whose accident with a bus terminated a very heaithy life just one week ago into his retirement from work aged 72..

The beginning of work of Packer's Casino I fear there may be some unpredicted problems occurring here over the next few years of the construction of Sydney's highest building. Remember you heard it from me first!

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