Friday 5 August 2016

Grand Final Day

Winter has well and truly arrived with the temperatures plummeting and a cold wind blowing.
The Baobab Café in Newtown was warm and inviting for a Saturday morning coffee before I went to what was arguably the most interesting documentary of the Film Festival. It was the story of Yo Yo Ma and his international music group formed especially to show the power of world music and what it can do to uplift humankind. It was an amazingly evocative movie and one I absolutely loved, along with the rest of the full house.
Was not really surprised at Celia reading the tea-leaves, she would never have been returned.
They had the same forced adoption process in both Australia and here, and both were disgusting and unjust. Thank goodness times have changed.
A great Lady For Sale at Mt Vic, typical of the Wellingtonians love of their homes...
Sir Peter Snell, the pr-eminent Kiwi sportsman and world and olympic champion with records lasting for years.
The Super Rugby Grand Final is on tonight for all Wellington to watch in rhe cold rainy weather....
Rio counting down... Let's hope to no catastrophes!
A classic achiever Kiwi, died young, no explanation, but a colourful career in Martinborough.
Another Kiwi champ, but a bit older and also just passed on...
Gay writers becoming more the norm than before...

Tonight is the Eighties Party at Ron's and also to showcase his newly decorated home and watch the   Grand Final. I am there for an hour only as I had previously booked a final eight o'clock movie,  Almovodar's 'Julieta', hope it is good in this wet windy weather.

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