Sunday 1 January 2017

Turkey Terror

Well it had to happen somewhere, but in one of my favourite cities on the beautiful Bosphorus River in Istanbul. What an awful tragedy for the young people at the nightclub and I can only hope my two lovely friends were not there to witness it. This is indeed a war against terror, but all innocent people are being killed. Quel catastrophe!
Front page photo in local paper...
Qantas showing its fraility again, not my favourite airline at all!
Putin loves Trump, writ large on all the toilet walls. Let's hope it leads somewhere better!
This Destinee Samoan girl may well be the next face of Aussie tennis. Born in Melbourne, she seems to have what it takes to become a big champ. Go Pasifikas!

Today I christened my backyard with its new umbrella. Barbara, my next door neighbour, came in for a cup of tea and a chat. She is more than interesting, and we shared some stories, not the least was her walking the Machu Pichu trail and only a few years ago. She is quite a woman, having lived for ten years in Illinois, USA, with her American husband before returning free, to Australia to practise he clairvoyance and medium gift with others. A lovely person and a good neighbour! I am yet again blessed.

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