Thursday 29 May 2014

A day later...

'Has the euphoria worn off, or has it actually settled into reality? 
Well half and half, as I have made an excellent mechanic contact who will check it over for me at a good price, also be its service provider on delivery. Wellington is solid like that. There are many European car snobs like me, hahaha, so there are also a few mechanics who specialise in them without charging European prices, like my new mechanic called Beau, from Page European. See already I like his name and now I only need to get Lucy to take the car there for a check over, and that may be difficult, but if she wants the money, which is waiting in my bank, she will have to have the check.

So here am I, sipping my favourite hot chocolate at Scopa, recording the progress of the sale. Of course this comes at the same time as my finding a housemate, so there are some major changes afoot in my life, and interestingly on the eve of my 69th birthday. They say be careful what you ask for, and I certainly asked for some action in my life, and it is happening just like that.

Scopa is interesting as always, the man next to me turns out to be a woman, and the boy opposite, a young Kiwi, is practising his excellent Spanish with his South American girl friend. He is quite good too, much better than me! 

The other thing happening at the moment, in these  busy days, is the Queer Film Festival which is shaping up to be fantastic with many excellent South American movies on show. It starts tomorrow with an American movie about finding love on the Internet, quite fitting for today's audiences. The gala opening is tonight, which I will not attend, a twinky movie which is not to my taste. The  other one set in NYC will at least be in familiar surrounds and is an interesting subject.

The man who is a woman..

A rear view...

A fattening hot chocolate, my only indulgence.

The Kiwi speaking Spanish with waiter.

The girls enjoying Scopa

Going into 'The Trip to Italy', with wine tasting.

Coming out of 'Grace of Monaco', excruciating.

Just to finish a very busy day, (the weather has been awful),I am rewarding myself with a Cuba Lighthouse movie, 'Ida', which has a great review. More later.

After Scopa and the hot chocolate, it was time for the Peer Support group, which I find quite fascinating, especiallynow we have a farmer/trans gender in our little circle. Again it was  good, more post-mortems about the Memorial Service, some saying my speech was great, one saying it was too long. You just can't please everyone, but luckily for me he said this as I was about  to invite him for lunch. He is now permanently off my list. No waste of time there. My confidence in others is often destroyed and my nature of ingenuousness continues to exist, in spite of the world being as it is. But I have no regrets, it's how I am, and I am slowly learning  that few people appreciate my obvious simple nature. Or know it. It is, however, a family trait and will stay with me all my life.

Many at the group were excitedly going to the Gala Opening of the Queer Festival, and a free ticket was being offered. Naturally it was taken by my 'critical friend'. So much for him. I am happy to be with real cinema lovers at Cuba. Opening nights attract a certain sort of people, and I am over first nights. I can say this because in a former life I used to go to the opening of an envelope!

Oh, by the way, good news re BMW, the  b.f. Chris is taking it tomorrow for the much needed check over.  The force is with me. I may even take delivery on Saturday.

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