Monday 26 May 2014

Pizza al Funghi e prosciutto

Losing my scooter is turning out to be a good thing as I am today ticking off two things to do on  Cuba St.... Cafe Ombra was one, and a pizza at Scopa is the other, so I am hoping it will be an OK experience. Really I  don't think much of house-made pizzas, homemade ones are always better, but I am skipping swimming and I can eat after Te Reo and then go to my first night at the WelMac club. This is my new 'assist-club' for Mac users, and I am hoping to learn something from them. The meeting room is happily right next to my Te Reo Maori class, on Willis St, in St. John's Church, in the Mckenzie Room. I think it will be an interesting experience to say the least. After all, I paid thirty dollars to join them so I should get something back, ay?

Just being in Cuba Street on Monday night is a first anyway, and it is a nice atmosphere. My Irish waitress knows me now from my hot chocolate fetish, and she welcomes me in and puts me at a single table at the back, warm and cosy in this cold night. I have time to blog and consider the changes in my life after a very happening weekend.  I told Ryan, my scooter mate from Te Reo, what had happened, and he was very sympathetic, but having just borrowed a friend's Yamaha motorcycle, he is rearing to go on two wheels, whereas I am rearing to get off them. I left my keys and papers at Ellmer's this afternoon as Jamie wasn't there. No doubt I'll get a call from him tomorrow about my misadventure.

The Maori class tonight was just as confusing as always, and we are missing next week's class with the Queen's  Birthday holiday on Monday. The following week is our third assessment and I hope I don't fail that one as I did the other two, not that one ever fails, but it does become obvious that I have not much of an idea of the language at all.
Monday night at Scopa...

Looking forward to a 'pizza experience'

I forgot to say in an earlier blog that I had an interesting encounter which will have future effects at the Te Papa Memorial. I met a neighbour of my very good friends Linda and Guy in Dargaville, north of Auckland. Nikkie was there commemorating the death of her younger brother Robin, from AIDS in 1990, and we met at the Film Archives and discovered our friends in common. Feeling a bit guilty that I hadn't contacted L and G since my arrival, I have now hopefully remedied that by emailing Linda with my news, and a few details about me she may not have known. Best to disclose early and find out how she is about being positive, as I know she is cool about most things but she did not know about me, nor about that. I await her reply with interest as I will have to visit them one day, perhaps when I buy my next car, the Suzuki?

Eh voila, le Pizza, much better than any I had in Bella Roma I must say. I could only eat half so the rest comes home with me!

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