Friday 30 May 2014

Bella's arrival

Here she is, front, back and side, in all her (non) pristine glory. She's seen a few bumps like her new owner, but she purrs like a kitten and runs like a deer. I am still in a little state of shock as it's a while since I have had a European car, let alone a sports car. So I'm still settling in to the reality, not the dream. But then all life's a dream, isn't it?

The delivery was this morning where I met Chris the Kiwi boyfriend, a very nice ginger haired young man, who proudly  showed men his Aussie 'Heavy Vehicle Driver's' licence. It is still a mark of achievement to have worked a while in Oz. I took some shots around 'Bella', her new name which suites her just fine. Lucy was delighted to have the car off her hands, and into my very willing hands. It took me ten minutes to find out how to lower the windows, but that done,  I feel very, very good. 

I am now in downtown Newtown having a celebratory cup of coffee and am about to do my market shopping for the weekend. Next week I will do the final transfer paper work as I am already insured and all is good.

Back and front...

At quintessential Newtown's Cafe Baobab, with the very apposite African texting his girlfriend ( he has 'Obey' printed on his T shirt)
Stunned BMW owner, me, having a much needed cafe fix...

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