Monday 26 May 2014

Ombra Coffee

Well what a weekend!
I have decided to forget it and start all over again. The gale winds were stronger than any I have experienced before, and that's saying something.  They were so strong I was blown back off Evans Bay parade and had to return home, it was impossible to make it around Pt. Jermynstan on foot. I therefore had to miss the Glamaphones Concert which I wanted very much to hear. Oh well, things are tough when you have to miss a concert and I'll have to decide now what to do now.

A busy cafe Ombra...

So I am licking my wounds in Cafe Ombra, the last of the 'chic cafes' I haven't yet visited in Cuba St. And yes it is good, very good, even classy. Different to Scopa, but the same cool vibe, excellent service, and beautifully warm in this very chilly Wellington day. I just have a coffee and croissant, although it's three in the afternoon and I will probably regret it tonight.

Anyway, as well as the weather this weekend, my scooter was stolen, yet again. Abandoned a few metres up the road on Sunday morning. I was woken again by a policeman, this time a Maori, who alerted me of the position of my scooter on the road. So we descended to see what had happened and of course, the thief had tried to start it, couldn't get it going, so left it on the road, with the ignition broken. Again somewhat disappointed, but finally recognisant of the fact that I don't have the mentality of a scooter-owner in Wellington, or more to  the point, I am living in the wrong place to have a scooter left overnight on the road (I didn't have the chain on it of course!) So I have decided to get it back on the road and sell it. Jamie will no doubt sympathise with me, but my scooter days are over, and I am now looking for a four wheeler, a small car to satisfy those days when it is impossible to walk along Evans Bay parade. It will also be a lot warmer, and safer during the impending very cool winter months.

I have already located a lovely Suzuki Swift, a good choice I think, in Porirua, and I am going tomorrow to look at it, hopefully to bargain a little and get a reasonable price. The BMW sports car on offer was very attractive, and at similar price, but not so practical my friends tell me, with upkeep and petrol expenses being the paradigm for a sensible Japanese purchase. I have also never had a Suzuki so it will be a first, and possibly my last, but who knows, never say never!

Now after a warm coffee and lovely croissant I am off to to Te Reo which I have not studied at all, unfortunately.  But such is life, sometimes we are just taken over by circumstances and we go with the flow, the seventies mantra, ay? All will be OK and I am rather looking forward to being in a car again, I have been depriving myself of the pleasure for too long perhaps.
Another view of Ombra...

...its cute salt and pepper.

Our lovely teachers at Te Reo (left)

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