Friday 30 May 2014


Scopa is for hot chocolate as Floridita's is for tea, in this case Japanese and lime, which I am drinking here, accompanied by a beautiful cocoanut meringue and lime tart - complementary and delicious.

It is time to look over the happeninigs of a very long, and productive, in many ways, week. To get straight to the point, I have just emerged from a discussion with Jamie from Ellmers Motor Mowers, where I surrendered my scooter the other day. I wanted to give him my helmet also as it would be my last time using it. We had a nice chat about Karma, he appears to be a born-again Christian, and he invited me for a beer to discuss things. However on replying that I didn't drink, that invitation was somewhat rescinded. His wife also doesn't drink,  he proffered, but he likes one obviously. Anyway he went on to give me the bad news of offering me a tiny return on my scooter, which, of course, I suppose I had expected. I told him I would ring back on Tuesday with my decision, but we both knew it would be a Yes. Scooter chapter - finito!

But back to more momentous subjects, the new Beamer. No delivery today, as Indian Bho was too busy, but Tuesday should be fine. I must remember to source a BMW car cover asap, as the salt air of Evans Bay is not at all propitious to keeping a pristine Beamer. I quickly email Lucy telling her I have transferred her $1k as a deposit, the remainder coming on Tuesday after inspection.

Anyway, Bho was very nice and assured me he would look over the Beamer as long as it came in early on Tuesday, so I have alerted Lucy and friend to this new timing. Now for a Beamer-free weekend ...of movies, and cooking, as I am entertaining to lunch Elanita and hubby Lucas, on Monday, a long promised invitation. So I bought some fresh fish from the Cuba Fish shop and now am having a nice cuppa and cake at Floridita's. It is another Cuba Street delight and one day I will dine here.

My earlier little conversation with Jamie had to happen, as I knew my motor Karma would be involved in this final pay-off. And it is with a smile and resignation that I wipe my slate clean and start again when I take my next motor car on Tuesday, this time to be Karma free.

It will also be a weekend of movies as the the Queer Festival, for me, starts tonight. I'll keep you posted, but last night's 'Ida' was an absolute delight. Filmed in black and white, it's about a postulant nun discovering she had been a stolen Jewish baby, and who decides to give life one chance before returning to her cloistered vows of celibacy. But one was left wondering whether she might be bringing a babe into this convent life inadvertently as a result of one night of love with a talented saxophonist. The film was Polish, sad, and very evocative, and a great reminder of the torture endured by so many Jews during the second world war, and the total displacement of Poland, first under the Germans, and then under the Russians.  It was a lovely movie to go home on. Tonight's will be totally different I can assure you, about a male GoGo dancer and a nerdy male admirer on the internet. What did I tell you!

Lovely serving at Floridita's... 
Fireman Kiwi hero but result of bad health and safety... 
Efficient service in lovely cafe...
Delicious tart!

Before I leave Floridita's I visit their unisex toilets, all very artistically presented and commodious. Speaking with one of the lovely waitresses and smelling a strong scent of garlic on the way back, I discover they do a delicious linguine with clams and garlic, which is for my next visit I immediately decide. I also wonder if I'll come here one day with someone, or continue on my solitary cafe adventure, dining always alone?

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