Tuesday 13 May 2014

Counting down...

Am at the CQ Coffee shop on Cuba where I discover that in June there is a four day Jazz Festival with the likes of Chick Corea coming to this buzzing city. Prices are large but they do offer quite a few free sessions to which I will go, perhaps even late at night.

In the meantime I am hunkering down learning my new Maori lines I got at last night's Ti Whanawhana. Thank goodness I was asked to give them a hearing as I was then coached by the best of the best to deliver in authentic Maori-style what could have been a great Pakeha debacle. Now I have to practise to get my words off by heart. 
'Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou, Katua!'
This I must say with mesmerising solemnity and to raise the skin of all who have the sensitivity to hear the words and their meaning. Ha ha ha! I am, I think, calling on the Maori Tribes from the four directions and then asking them to be present and bless the occasion of our gathering at Te Marae.

I am getting a little nervous especially as my housemate A has just announced, with some drama, that she is quitting our lovely home in a month's time. In a way I am relieved as I knew she was going in November, but I wasn't surprised as we were never very compatible. Hopefully by June 13, my Mum's birthday, I will have found someone new to enjoy our beautiful home on Evans Bay. I am now negotiating a new ad. at easyroomate.nz to find that person, also putting a hard copy ad. on the wall at the big local supermarket New World. The more exposure the better. 

I have quickly started to make plans for the new arrival, and last week with some premonition it seems, I replaced A's tiny TV screen with a new large Panasonic screen  bought on sale for a reasonable  price. It is now not embarrassing to call my 'salon de francais,' also a 'Movie Room' as well.

So tonight back to Scottish Dancing after many weeks away.  Hope I can still do it all. Then on to practise my story, not 'speech', to be delivered to each and every person who attends the Candlelight Memorial on Sunday at 3 pm. It should be a great occasion and I hope to help it be that.

Pain au chocolat on top of Joe Hockey...
The Aussies reeling from Treasurer Hockey's tight first Budget...
The excellent barista at CQ...
...serving me a perfect Pain au Chocolat

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