Wednesday 28 May 2014


I should start this blog with 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds', as  I am on my way to meet Lucy Liu, not the famous actress on world screens, but a local lassie, who has a car for sale which I may like. She is in Hobson Street right next to the Australian Mission to NZ, which may, or may not, be an omen.
In any case it is a BMW Sports car and not for the faint hearted, that I am about to caress, and hopefully drive. The idea is very attractive, especially as I have given up all expectations of living cheaply in wonderful Wellington. I just need a car for weekends and rainy windy days, and there are a few of those in Wellington.

My adventure with Dmitri from yesterday is still fresh. His car is still very nice, but perhaps it is time to move on from small economical Japanese cars and head for the top end, where I always have been very comfortable in the past. Lucy is asking a nice price, but may even negotiate if we get on well and she really wants to sell her baby. I always have the Suzuki to go back to, so it gives me some lee-wayto  negotiate. 

As I am a little early for the 4 pm rendezvous, I have discovered yet another cafe, this time in the Archives Building which houses the actual Treaty of Waitangi, a bit of a farce these days, but I will come back another day to view it. Also the National Library is around the corner so there is lots to see at this end. Noted for the near future, but today's priority is car hunting. The weather, always a factor in Wellington, is cool and windy, but not raining so I am in good spirits. After the trial run I am off to HU and Scottish Dance, so it is another filled day in this charming city. A decision to buy would be a great bonus and it would be lovely to have wheels for the coming Queen's Birthday long weekend, as everything is cancelled for Monday.

I popped in to BP today to suggest to Ron that next year's Memorial we should have Justice Michael Kirby  as guest speaker. And I would do the liaising and try to get him. We need to start now as he is very busy and possibly already booked out for next year. But it may happen and I would love him to   come. It would of great benefit to the Kiwis and he would have a great time too. So that's  another thing I have to start planning. So much to do,  and the Queer Film Festival starts next week, OMG!

The Archives Cafe
Smiles from the bar..
It's a great place for a relax.

I am now in the warm and leathery foyer of the West Plaza Hotel in Street. The meeting with Lucy was not unlike that with Dmitri. Neither could speak English and neither understood the other.  It was quite strange as I liked the car a lot, we agreed on a price, just two hundred less than she was asking. But I am not  sure if she really understood me. Her boyfriend Chris, who speaks 'Engrish',will ring me on my mobile after five thirty she said, to confirm, but nothing has yet eventuated.

I'll be detached and see what turns out. The only problem seemed to be the oil light was alight on the dashboard and she said she hadn't had time to attend to it. I tried to get her mechanic's address,  she said somewhere off Taranaki St. but she didn't know his name or the name of the shop. However she did explain where he was and I'm quite sure I can find him. It is Wellington after all. 

What a bizarre series of events, leading me to think I am being prepared for some big experience, as both cars seemed excellent, the BMW $400 cheaper but dearer to run of course. But the experience in driving was totally different. This is a nice little dream come true, and next week I will own a BMW Sports Z3. Halleluja!

But first to the HU, and then to dance, trying to forget that it may have been a dream. I'm sure there will be some work to do on the baby, but not  immediately, and I will be using it so little. It will be my 69th birthday present to me. Can you see me sliding into to a low slung silver sports car motoring along the highway? I can.

PS Chris, the boyfriend just rang and said all is understood. He sounded just like a young simple Kiwi boy. I can have the car for $8 grand, with money sent to her a/c as soon as it arrives in my account. Done deal, but first a few phone calls to check on its background, to make sure it is all bona fide - she seems honest and even simple. The first call is to the dealer who sold her the car three years ago. He should give me some info. Then onto the mechanic to question him. If both of these are OK, then all is good. Photos in next blog.

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