Friday 2 May 2014

Autumn in Wellington

Back home after three weeks in  supposed Spring in the Northern Hemisphere you'd think I would be disappointed to arrive back for winter, but no. Autumn here is proving mild and even sunny, so yesterday I was welcomed home and felt totally happy. See from home snaps the sun is shining on Evans Bay.

Beautiful views to come home to.
with sun on the balcony..
and indoor plant healthy and green.

Back to do some market shopping for fresh fruit and veggies which have not seen the inside of a deep freeze or even a fridge. The market is a welcome sight and I make a full week's purchase for only about twenty dollars. Lovely Wellington. Tonight I will go to the beautiful Michael Fowler Centre to hear my neighbour play with the NZ Symphony Orchestra. A fitting musical welcome home.

The first half was an amazing creation of mainly timpani written by Kiwi Jack Body. It was amazing, and I serendipitously witnessed it from right above the timpanists who were extraordinarily gifted. Jack himself came on to the stage to tumultuous applause and I know I have now discovered another hidden artistic genius in NZ. Now retired from NZ School of Music Jack has a world reputation and is softly spoken and modest. And a genius!
In the second part I upgraded my seat to dress circle to hear the exquisite tones from the Basses who were the backbone of three compositions, all remembering times of war. The second piece by Aussie Peter Sculthorpe, a Tasmanian to be exact, was called 'Memento Mori' which I had heard at its first recital in Sydney forty years ago. The final part, by Polish composer Gorecki,  was accompanied by soprano Australian Sara McLiver who also was delightful.
The whole concert was entitle 'We remember', one hundred years since WW2, and it was fabulous, what a talented orchestra there is here, and my neighbour Matt is one of them!

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