Friday 23 May 2014

Planning Meeting for ECK

Today I participated in our Wellington ECK Planning for the rest of this year. Luckily because the weather was as  dirty as hell, flatmate F drove me to the venue on her way to the synagogue, or Temple, as she prefers to say. We then met later for lunch at Pranah in Newtown,  which was nice.

P.R. conducting the meeting

The ECK meeting went well and the lovely P.R., our Maori chief, conducted it with his usual decorum, tact, and even style, I may say, although he is such a modest man he would never accept that compliment.
We are planning a big launch launch of Ann Archer's popular book, and it will be a two day affair, some of it at the CQ Hotel. It is a bit pricy, but that's Wellington. As well I suggested the possibility of a Worship Service so Peter is going to do a survey of all the  ECKists to see how many would be interested. It would be great to get a regular WS going in Wellington as we desperately need one, so that is my aim for the coming year, to establish a WS and conduct them every two months.

After lunch at Pranah we collected my excellent wool rug from the Sallies at Newtown, also the chair which I bought for a steal. Now I'm quite ready for any new flatmate who needs a furnished room. 

On my return I discover an email from the Croatian. He has cold feet it appears, from too much Googling of NZ which has told him he can't afford it here. Well so be it, at least he has moved me to buy a lovely rug, now to decorate my French Salon. Which reminds me, I must start teaching French!

An artist at work at Pranah...

..and a typical lady who lunches alone in Newtown.

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