Sunday 4 May 2014

Cuba Street return

It's Sunday, two days since I have returned, and I must get my hit from Cuba Street. This street still remains my favourite street in The World! Having a hot lemon, ginger and honey drink in the cold of the evening is just what a man needs, especially before a night of hectic ballroom dancing with my Maori mates. Have earlier printed some old-fashioned hard copy photos to send to Vancouver. I still think it's nice to receive something in the mail occasionally, especially if it is nice photos of memories which I hope these ones are.

Now I decide to hit Midnight Espresso, with all the smells, colour and vibrations of forty years in existence, even though the clientele tonight would average about twenty years old. I would bring that average up a little I fear.

The morning was good, all my homework done on computer and then a nice visit from PNG friends L and WW who are always an enjoyable experience. We exchange plans and look forward to changes in our lives, when the time is right. To-morrow I am back to Te Reo Maori and swimming, which will be a big day of getting back my regular Monday activities. But all in good time...

Espresso in action...
...feeling at home.
...even with the young people.

...when their boy friend arrives a little later.

It was nice to see the dating game happening with these two young men in a 'straight' cafe, although it must be said Midnight Espresso is anything but conservative and attracts many of all genders. It is interestingly  positioned next to the oldest Wellington Gay Bar for men, S and M, standing for their proprietors' names 'Scott and Mel'. 

Back from dancing and H made everyone work tonight like crazy, possibly because he's going to Darwin for a fortnight for the OUT Games  and doesn't want us to forget him! It was a good if exhausting class and there was a new woman tonight, from Dunedin, who was delightful.
I do enjoy these Sunday nights.

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