Thursday 1 May 2014

Sydney in Autumn

Am in lower Elizabeth Street, near Central having a nice strong small flat-white and wondering how it it will eventuate. The barista is a smart Asian boy who seems to known what he's doing, he smiles a lot anyway which is a good sign I think. The coffee btw, is fantastic.
Decide to make a quick visit to Sydney branch of ACON and see friend Hedimo who works there. The World AIDS Conference is coming up in July in Melbourne and we may meet up there.
Lovely coffee at Kash on Elizabeth St....

There is a large mirror in this cafe

Caffeine seeming to have an effect...
Cafe on the Park at Redfern
Having lunch with P. Meeting up with Peter who is in excellent form, we repair to his local cafe on the park for a hot pumpkin soup which is perfect. Lots of news to catch up on and I see he is in a much better state then before, sub-letting his house has been a nightmare for him, and he is much better alone. He tells me of two movies I must see, one from US about a boy with Down Syndrome, and also 'Hannah Arendt', the film about the Jewish writer at the Eichmann trials. Both are a must- see and I believe him.

After lunch I am back to see H at ACON and we have a green tea at the Brazilian Cafe on Oxford Street. I must come here again as the food looks absolutely healthy and v. tasty. H is in top form and on his way to Brazil for a month in a few weeks. So hopefully we will catch up in Melbourne as he will be working with Bodypositive at this enormous conference. It is sounding better as time goes on.

Next stop for me is the Verona Cinema where I am scheduled to see 'The Invisible Woman', a movie about the wife of Charles Dickens, before meeting up with Patsy for a drink and perhaps some tea.
The movie was excellent, about Dickens' mistress not his wife, and he was excellently portrayed by Ralph Fiennes, yet another great role for Fiennes, and this time he directed the movie as well.

My 'drinks' however, with P were not so forthcoming in an over-loud and cold pub in Paddington, serving cheap wine at the happy hour where P had been ensconced for a while waiting for my arrival.  Now it appears P has succeeded in alienating yet another of her few remaining friends, me. This is a habit she has recently become a master of, or in her case, a lonely and quite bitter old lady. P, it's time to move on!

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