Friday 3 April 2015

Back at Memphis

It's Easter Saturday and although they say everyone has left Wellie for the holiday the Memphis is jumping. Never have I seen it so full and John the owner said it was like this yesterday too, so he is making a living at least.

Today's weekend paper's headlines is a top Kiwi judge going to preside over the child abuse scandals in the UK. A big job, and she seems just the right person for it having already experienced the same problems in NZ. Another feather in the cap to Kiwi judiciary.

Also a notice that Cynthia Lennon died and said that John was never in love with her. Hey what's new?Next, a young pakeha boy out of gaol, is now reformed and working at my Kilbirnie Pool. Is this is a rare example of the awful gaol system working, or really is his rehabilitation because of his family? Methinks this is the most important key in getting out of a bad crime habit when released from a gaol period. It seems, as is sadly the case in OZ, the indigenous peoples are the ones most prone to recidivism.

There is also a big article and well written, about the need for a new national flag, and never have I thought it more pertinent than now after the OZ-Kiwi cricket final. The Kiwi flag is so close to the Aussie one it is constantly confused with it, and of course the Union Jack is everywhere and not specific to any one country, except of course the UK. Again it will probably be NZ who leads the way in a new flag and either of these two designs in picture below would be good, although I would like to see more blue in the second flag. The Koru flag it would be called, and it would doubtless make all Kiwis proud. They would actually go crazy over identifying with a new emblematic flag I am absolutely sure.

Hawkes Bay pad for $3 million, cheap!

Bread culture a hundred years old passed on to a pakeha wife..

King Ed (in stripes) having a break

A serious new Kiwi flag

Have decided to go out on Saturday night, of course there is a good movie to see at Cuba Lighthouse. It is 'Foxcatcher' with Steve Carell and I hope it is as good as its trailers.

The past hour or so I have been at J's farewell drinks party at her place. I took some Orange Almond cake as I thought it a gesture, and it was eaten in a minute. The lovely French Catalan Marie Claire was there and is soon flying off to Barcelona to sell her family home near Perpignan this year. She needs to downsize, quel dommage! I have made a promise to attend a last French Conversation at her home before she leaves on June 7.

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