Wednesday 29 April 2015

Chilly wind factor

Out and about in the cold wind of Wellie. Stimulating if you are rugged up, but freezing if not. All the Kiwis know this state and are dressed accordingly and take it in their stride. Hark back to the unbelieveable courage and bravery of the first Kiwi born Govenor General and war hero General Sir Bernard Freyberg and you'll see what I mean. This man, who died at 74 from an old wound he suffered at  Gallipoli, was one Kiwi who stands taller than most, but who probably would not have had it that that way. Modesty is a Kiwi trait held higher than most.

And it is not the best week for John Key who is still o/s 'meeting important people', who will soon return to more ridicule and a possible court-case about his serial hair-pulling incident. He may not survive till the next election, but methinks he will as Kiwis are also a forgiving lot.

They also don't like that Indonesia has summarily murdered the Bali Nine, against all international opinion. Some of the nine are obviously not at all criminal minded, just impressionable silly young men, but now they have paid the ultimate price for their stupidity in a country which is known for its tough laws on drug importation. I wonder if there will be any repercussions from this harsh capital punishment, but each country has to create its own laws.

However the religion of this country I am living in, is Rugby - Union, of course, and there is a new doco made about a small countrytown Rugby team which seems worth visiting. Next week at the Embassy I will catch it I hope. In the meantime my BnB booking in Birmingham has been refused as it is too far ahead I think. It is summer in August and some BnBs may have forgotten they won't be home in August. There's more work to do there when I get home after my (two) coffees today at the Memphis, with Tom. But the sun is shining and inside it's warm and buzzy, as always at the Memphis, with the ever charming owner and host, John, always at the ready. But today we have a rare lone female at the cash register - Memphis is diversifying!

Busy at the Memphis

Bernard Freyberg, war hero and swim champ

PM Key's Mana in doubt

Rugby, the religion of NZ countryside

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