Wednesday 1 April 2015

Before Easter

Things are already quieter in Wellie with the chance of a five day holiday tempting many to quit the city for their bach on the coast  or in the mountains. I wonder how many Kiwis have the honour, or luck, to have inherited a bach, or as they call them in Tassie, a 'shack'?

The Memphis is open as always, and will be tomorrow also, looking after their regulars, and today John the owner shouted me a coffee. I don't know if it may have been because he liked my gesture of hanging a new (old) picture on his wall. He seemd quite chuffed anyway and it neatly fills a hole so I am more than happy with the result.

 Today was going to be more clean-up at home but Potluck at BP has been changed to today so I am in early to see Ron, also to see Gareth from Film Archives who has some audiotapes for us to listen to. Another little point of interest for the Candlelight Memorial.

Now 'on the wall' at Memphis

Smiling and happy.. Cricketer of the year, Brendon McCullum

It is good to see Memphis filling up on this quiet day as they really deserve to be successful. They are typical of Kiwi initiative coupled with modesty and hard work, creating a success. The music they play here is classic retro stuff, absolutely my vintage, and they play it loud, but it sets a unique mark on the establishment which is, as well, superbly situated in the dead-centre of the commercial strip on Courtenay Place, right opposite Calendar Girls, the famous strip joint.

Font page news today is the repeat conviction of the murderer Mar Lundy. He was made even more famous with this month's long retrial  for being accused of the horrific bashing and murder of his wife and little daughter. It has kept the Kiwi public enthralled for the past few months as Lundy, barefaced, told the lie that he had nothing to do with this murder. The jury thought otherwise and now he is in gaol for life, but will be on parole when he is 63.

On a nicer note the cricketer of the year is Brendon McCullum, my all favourite Kiwi. There also an article on how Aussie wicket keeper/sledger Brad Haddin was told to recant his drunken talk on a radio interview, which he did, but only because he was asked to, however he had no regrets for all the on-field sledging he did. An example of his Aussie boorishness is that he says he gave it to them (the Kiwis)  because  they were 'that nice nice to us that we were uncomfortable'. This highly stupid riposte was the reason for his ugly and utterly unsportsmanlike behaviour! OMG, he really should be strongly reprimanded or stood down by the Australian Cricket Board, but he won't, because he is a good wicket keeper.. Ooh well, that's sport these days, not like it used to be.

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