Wednesday 8 April 2015

Movies to see

Here are the next two movies I plan to see, soon. 'Samba', the French one with rising star Omar Sy, opened, (or closed) the recent French Festival and I knew it would return on general release. I can't wait to see it. The other, about the famous Klimt painting, staring Helen Mirren, also looks good.
Perhaps next week when the early rush is gone I will catch both of them.

This weekend is absurdly busy, again. I have a dance rehearsal and also a Satsang on Friday night, Saturday is all day and evening at the Danss Competition at Te Whiterea on Vivian Street. On Sunday there is a celebratory brunch for all the dancers at Karaka, (my housemate Fir's restaurant) and straight after Gareth W has booked me for an extended audio interview at his place in Tasman Street. So altogether, I will nary have a moment to recover. Oops, I forgot my market shopping on Saturday morning. Got to keep body and soul together!

'Samba' with Omar Sy

'Lady in Gold' with Helen Mirren

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