Sunday 12 April 2015

Monday at Memphis

Well, a visit to Symes Da Silva Dentist shows why I left them in the first place. The absolute dizziest receptionist in the world attended to me who took ages to try and make an appointment with a new dentist. I then changed my mind to say I'll wait for the return of Da Silva himself next week, at least it's the devil you know! The space in my teeth can wait for a week to be filled and then I'll talk about an imminent extraction for its very troublesome neighbour.

So with the dentist out of my mind for a week, I am at the Memphis and reminded yet again why I love this cafe. The music today is cool jazz, for which Wellington is rightfully famous, and the buzz is here even without the presence of the owner Johnny, who is the cafe persona. But he has instilled a good feeling of ownership into Gideon and Paris who are running the place today. I have my 'long versato', always good, and decide to have a cheese scone, just for the heck of it. I'll have a late lunch at home later before picking Ron up for the five pm meeting at the Backbencher bar with the Glamaphones.

The Dom Post gives me the exciting news that my Aussie Rules footy team, the Saints, is playing on Anzac Day at the Westpac Stadium. I cannot miss this game and they are playing Maisie's team, Carlton. This may put-paid to my attending the Scottish Country Ball that night. Anzac weekend is going to be crazy, thank goodness the Monday is taken off for the holiday, as there is also the Dawn Service which I want to attend at the newly renovated Memorial Shrine, also on the Saturday. Three big things in one day might just be too much.

A very pretty blonde model-type arrives at the Memphis to order two coffees for her and her Mum. They are seated outside although it is a cool morning, but they have, not one, but two, small pooches in tow. The staff attentively notices and fetches a plastic container for water for their adored pets. Typical Memphis attention to detail and service. Love this place!

Nick the Saints' captain...yeaa!

Memphis Morning...

...with a hot cheesy scone and jam, yum!

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