Friday 10 April 2015

DANSS Competition at Te Whitireia

For a change I have come to Newtown Mediterranean Cafe and I don't know why I don't come more often as it is my sort of cafe. It's quiet and and the coffee is good of course, but there are no newspapers. One was stolen, the Japanese barista tells me, so I have to content myself with the NZ Women's  Weekly with articles about two of my favourite people Barbra Streisand and Graham Norton. Both are hugely successful and have had amazing lives, especiall our Babs, now happily married to Josh Brolin for sixteen years.I love her voice and she is a great actress. Graham's shows are also great  and he gets everyone on them, with his very gay sense of humour.

Am just having a coffee before going to Te Whitireia for the Dance Competition this afternoon/evening. I am competing in tango and waltz - the waltz with Mari is my favourite as she is a good partner, but we are doing it in the Vice-versa segment where she leads and I follow. And as I am a good two feet taller it will be very interesting. We'll see how we go and I am confident we will do well. The tango, on the other hand, with two boys, is not so hot as I don't partner well with them. Strange ay?
The Cafe....

The cover of WW

Inside Barbra...and 

They are now playing Barbra on the radio at the cafe and her voice is really mellow like creamy custard, and strong like steel. I should listen more to her, and I did have a few of her LPs I sold with my whole   collection to the Archivist in Melbourne. C'est la vie, I can always get her on U-tube I suppose.

...Angela Merkel, a fabulous woman

The article about Angela is illuminating too. Nine years my junior, she was born in Hamburg, another favourite city of mine, and she is a great cook and now is the most powerful woman in the world they say, who also makes a fabulous potato soup.

Now on to the DANSS! 
But first I must read Peta Mathias, my all-favourite Kiwi columnist who on interview gives her four ideal dinner guests as
Helen Clark, for her fierce intelligence, Michael Meredith for his niceness and culinary expertise, Maria Callas for her voice, and finally George Clooney, whom everyone would love. Sounds like a good dinner party, especially with Peta at the head of the table!

Below at Te Whitireia
My two male partners warming up...

..and my third, and best partner, Mari, at night's end.

Btw, the evening was a great success and I did not disgrace myself at all. Mari was wonderful!

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