Thursday 9 April 2015

Friday begins badly...

This is shaping up to be a gigantic weekend so starting it with an upset tummy is not my chosen way to go. Mysterious as to why my stomach is giving me gyp, but I just have to bear down and watch what I eat today.

Potluck lunch at BP was quiet but Steve was there, always a good energy, relating the story of his latest enrolment in a Master's Degree in Counselling from Massey University. I should have asked him how he finances such an expensive post grad degree as I hear they are exorbitant in costs. Anyway, not for me at this stage although I am fascinated by the idea of Family Therapy being resurgent in treatment for psychological ills from which many people suffer, some without realising it.

I am writing this from Cafe Zaida, having a quick decaf hoping to quell my tummy problems, coffee has to be good for something!  I am also waiting for 85 prints to come through at the local Harvey Norman shop. I have decided to bring my hard-copy photo collection up to date somewhat, as my online photos are now numbered in the many thousands. But I have decided there is nothing to replace a hard copy, if only for nostalgic reasons, although the trend is the opposite these days, to put everything on the net, in cyber space, in i-cloud actually, and where that is, I am not totally sure.

Later Satsang and Dance rehearsals for tomorrow's competition, that is if tummy settles down.

AC/DC coming to Wellie

Busy at Memphis

Another Kiwi in the top job at London Guildhall School of Drama

The Zaida family

In the Fifties perhaps

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