Tuesday 28 April 2015

Sun returns - but news worsens

The sun has returned to Wellington but the news worsens from Nepal with over four thousand dead and feared up to eight thousand may have perished. With disasters like these one automatically thinks of the Nostradamus predictions where where the world as we know it comes to an end. For these thousands of Nepali, or visitors to that beautiful county, it has. How could one not believe in reincarnation when you see mass loss of life like this? These souls which have been taken prematurely will doubtless spend some time resting before reincarnating to a new life where hopefully they will get a better chance. It is a salutary reminder not to sweat the small stuff, as the jargon has it, as we are so lucky to have been born in a free country with opportunities to do what we want. Or is it that in past lives we have earned this 'luck'? Perhaps we were demolished in an earthquake in an earlier life and we don't have to got through that experience again. Just thinking... 
Death toll climbing...

Surrogate babies saved for gay Israeli couples

A rival for Tom at Lower Hutt

Scoffing a Sub-way for brekkie

..at the Memphis

Which brings me to the small stuff. My printer cartridges have died suddenly after giving me very little  service, about ten pages at the most. Of course I have not kept the receipts from Dick Smith, who does? But $70 later, which the cartridges exhorbitantly cost, I can't print anything. So am off to ask Dick Smith what to do, nothing probably, as big companies like these don't take any responsibility for little things like ink cartridges, much to my chagrin and annoyance. But then think of the Nepali in their disaster, and realise it's not the end of the world, I just won't use cartridges again. Means a new printer perhaps.

Then back to BP to top 'n tail the Candlelight Program. It's getting closer and R is getting nervous. But I am in the throes of organising my UK trip so things are a bit tight for me too. Later today it's time to book the BnBs for Birmingham and Brighton, then next week the train and coach trips for commuting to London and Brighton. Oh well, it's just sitting down to concentrate for an hour or two, and it'll get done.
Don't sweat the small stuff, I tell myself.

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