Monday 27 April 2015

RAIN! But disaster in Nepal

Yes the rain has set in but the news from the awful earthquake disaster in Nepal is getting worse. More than 3,500 are dead and 6,500 injured and these numbers are climbing. About twenty Kiwis are there and missing, so it looks grim for them and their families. This was an earthquake-prone area and no-one would have been that surprised with the results of this natural disaster. 
What can you say, but May the Blessings Be!
My the left,

and to the right.

Praying for family members...

Indians leaving Nepal...

Kiwi pie success story in Shanghai

Last night I began my bookings for hotels in Birmingham and immediately see I have missed the very cheap rooms. From now on they get dearer and dearer so today is my last chance - book or be damned! Have finalised the Brighton end and the Oxford part is pretty finished, so now it is just Birmingham, and the Seminar of course, to book and pay for. Early organisation is of the utmost importance in travelling and I should have learned that by now. So after a coffee at the Mediterranean in Newtown, where I have just dropped off a large box of clothes to the Animal Rescue Charity, including my revered American Army great coat, I feel I have made a start at reducing my travelling possessions. Good on me!

I hope I can declutter more in the next few weeks as it will make the final move so much easier. The rain doesn't help, but then in Wellington you never let the weather affect your plans or you would do nothing!

Caught an excellent doco movie on way home from ECK class. A real fashion flick, it was called 'Dior and I'. It was unusual and accurate and quite absorbing, if you are a fickle flimsy fashion aficionado like moi. It showed the real world of haute couture, one which I flirted with in London and Paris in the mid seventies. Nothing has changed much, just more hype and more money.

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