Sunday 19 April 2015

Trip to Waikanae

Am starting today with a coffee at the Mediterranean but my Japanese barista is not here. Result - awful coffee made by an older guy who has no idea about the espresso experience!  So be it. I then get a text from Tom saving me by inviting me to his place for a coffee. Fabulous!

After this I am on my way to visit good friend Gwyneth at Waikanae, a pleasant one hour drive north on Highway 1. Our meeting is to hear the recorded televised speech of Sri Harold Klemp, the Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, given at the Springtime Seminar this year at Chanhassen.
Outside  Mediterranean

Yesterday after the War Memorial opening I rushed to the Film Archives, Nga Taonga, to see a really great Turkish/British/ OZ/Kiwi doco on the Gallipoli disaster. It was told from the pov of both sides, and the actual letters from the soldiers participating featured throughout the movie.  It was riveting and quite an essential experience for understanding this maddest of all escapades in the Dardenelles in this awful and disastrous First World War.  The stupidity of one man fighting his brother is illustrated when, because of the incredible stench from rotting dead bodies, an armistice was declared where each side allowed their comrades to be buried, even exchanged cigarettes, and then immediately they all resumed fighting and killing each other. 

I am happy I had the chance to see it although it made me very sad afterwards and I needed to debrief somewhat, which was difficult as there was no-one there to talk to except the two Indian girls at the desk, who were lovely. The beginning of a week's sad remembrances.

Below, view from living room at Gwyneth's
beautiful home at Waikanae

Tuning in to the televised talk from Chanhassen

The afternoon at Waikanae lasted till late so I cancelled dancing tonight. Sri Harold's talk was simple and entertaining with stories from others who had written to him, but also some very interesting tales from his early life at the Lutheran College he attended for many years in Wisconsin and Indiana. All this study was part of his ongoing spiritual journey to find his true path of Eckankar. 

There were seven of us at Gwyneth's lovely new home, and we shared a lovely potluck late lunch and had a good discussion as well. It was a satisfying afternoon of spiritual talk. Another Seminar gone for the year, but it's now time to start preparations for my visit to the European Birmingham Seminar in August!

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