Sunday 19 April 2015

Monday at Memphis

Out and about today but missed the presence of Aussie PM Tony Abbott, (on purpose) when he opened the Australian contribution to the Anzac Memorial at Pukeahu Park this morning at nine thirty. I am sure there would have been at least three people there, including the two PMs.LOL!

So instead I went to Memphis for a nice coffee, that is after speaking to the landlord Mr Patel who announced the arrival of a neighbour in the downstairs flat. It is another Paul, whom I had already met on the stairs. He is a nice guy, a builder, and will be a good tenant for the fastidious Mr Patel I am sure.

It is getting close to the time for my moving arrangements to be organised, so one day, in May, I think, I will give Mr Patel ample warning of my planned departure at end of July, but hopefully someone will be staying in my house to fulfil the contract. It is hard to get the first move started, ie, booking a mover, but when I do that, it will be all go. I have cancelled my  invitation to B for May, deciding it is too much for me at this stage and best to allow a friendship to unfurl more slowly on his home ground in OZ, not on a holiday in NZ which could be risky. I am sure he will understand, if not, so be it, he would not have been my friend in that case.
Breakfast at Memphis with Gideon

Gideon with young friend.

Have arrived early for Interfaith Meeting and naturally no-one is there. It takes ten minutes if I leave at 4.40pm and half an hour if I don't leave till 5pm with the traffic. So there you are, I have learned something at least!

Also I happily received a very positive reply from B and he is relieved he doesn't have to visit me here now as his life is in a state of great change as well. It's interesting...we'll see what happens.

On the wall at the Interfaith Meeting

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