Saturday 30 April 2016

Return to Memphis

Koujiro moved in this morning and his boss and colleague helped him with his move.
Tatsushi San and Taka San were both delightful and Koujiro had all the right stuff to move in.
He then took them both out for a Yum Cha for breakfast and I was able to have my first coffee back at Memphis.
A.J. being smart...
Article reminding us of the Rainbow Warrior bombing, a  PR disaster for France which NZ has never forgotten, or forgiven, and rightly so.
Manuel Valls feeling a bit shaky on Kiwi soil....
This is a horrific result of the need for water and what horrors its scarcity may bring. A man murderd for bringing dust to his neighbour's waterways!
A mettalica band with big plane!
Disastrous effect of elephant tusk hunting...
In Australia the result of bad refugee Iranian self-immolating!
This Putin hater may well not live long.....
Top Kiwi news jouralist in Washington DC.
Today in Museum Hotel was the big Baha'i feast day of Risvan and this Jazz trio entertained us and we heard a good talk about Baha'i and its origins.

The restaurant in Victoria Street where Koujiro is Chef and Tatsushi San the owner.

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