Wednesday 8 February 2017

Back to singing...

Near the end  of a very hot week and a worse weekend expected. However I want to keep faith with the Choir in Sydney and will make the air-conditioned train ride down tonight for my second attendance. In choral cases, you need regular attendance or nothing is ever achieved, so I feel I am doing the right thing as my back is also slowly recovering. I missed the Community gardening today and that was a good idea and instead attended a less than tasty lunch with the Poz Group in Gosford. One of the older guys, Bill, whom I knew well, passed away last night so there will be a funeral to go to next week. At age 88 he did quite well all things considered, an he was a lovely Englishman.
PM Turnbull, so frustrated by the famous Trump rebuttal,  attacked with unbridled vitriol his opponent in Parliament  and it was to the great acclaim of his colleagues who saw him formerly as a toothless tiger.  But it is all show and nothing better will eventuate. He was simply venting his spleen.
Peter FitzSimons on the ball again with the hotel bug scandal revealed in its home-town simplicity. The Kiwis had bugged themselves!
 This movie is so good and touching people so much that it may well carry off a couple of Oscars. You heard it here first!
What is happening in French Politics?? Now a gay scandal, will it never end? And just because Macron is doing well at the polls, and is rather pretty to boot!
This woman journalist has an interesting slant on Trump's vulnerability amd I think she is right. His deputy Sean Spicer was played by a woman on the satirical show Late Night Live and was very believable. I wonder it they are hinting at Spicer's sexuality. There's got to be one gay person in Trump's wardrobe and Trump didn't like the show at all.

The world is certainly in a weird place at the moment,  and each day something new explodes so I am no longer surprised at any  'revelation'. In the end, all will be revealed anyway, so we must just get on with day-to-day living and look on with amusement. Until of course, it comes up and bites us on the bum, which may indeed happen. However I'll be ready for it when it does come.

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