Monday 6 February 2017

The awful truth

The osteopath called Clive was terrific and I felt much better after his hour's treatment. It was a different  treatment from most others I have had and he is very sensitive, but woe of woes, I wake this morning and get up from my couch with the pain returned. It will be a longer cure than just one treatment and I have to live with it, after all it's nothing new, I've had it  for over forty years and always deal with it eventually. However some things are now curtailed this week.
Back at Ruby's to the sensational, but expected news of the giganic sex abuse by the Cathodic clergy over the past thirty-odd years. How the church can recover from this beggars belief, especially withCardinal Pell, the arch-evader , still hiding out in Rome. There will be enormous damages resulting but nothing the mega-wealthy church cannot pay. There are so many angry people out there dying for justice, and so many are prematurely dead because of psychological trauma and tragic sexual abuse.
These cardinals will be in court soon to tell their stories but what will they say? Will any admit guilt? I doubt it.

The Aussie Trump takes his place.... won't change too much of Liberal politics except give Labor a leg up!
Exactly what I fear for Trump's hollow promises will badly affect the US economy.
This is a true gentleman of the game of Cricket.

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