Wednesday 22 February 2017


Back to a morning at the Community Gardens with about nine other volunteers, much more experienced than I. However I managed a couple of hours in the heat of the morning sun and came back and collapsed. It takes a bit of getting used to and I will just take it bit by bit. But it was good and enjoyable when I look back. I need a rest now before my train trip to Sydney for the choir tonight.
This columnist is keeping us honest by criticising Trump's ever-changing podium and how he could easily adversely affect world outcome because of his rash and ill-informed tweets. They are indeed dangerous times we are living  in.
Interesting snippet that Australia has attracted eleven thousand millionaire migrants last year, topping the US with ten thousand. Millionaires, of course, get accepted anywhere, as money buys them immunity and entrance into the most desirable countries which Australia and also New Zealand, clearly represent.
Peter FitzSimons writes of Dan Vickerman's untimely death, still hedging that it was by his own hand.
Pictures say it all, Aussie PM glad-handing the back of Israel's Netanyahu who is playing us all for suckers here 'down-under', also using the frailities of good friend Aussie billionaire James Packer in his own interests. Something smells here, and it will eventually come out, I am sure.
Redfern taking shape, this time under the auspices of the Aboriginal Housing Commission, where new housing plans hopefully will be used to help some young Aboriginal students as well. It is after all, their education which will see them taking their rightful place in their own country.
Another piece of theatre by Netanyahu. They are dressed in identical blue suits with blue ties to match. Both are mega-wealthy and talk the same lingo. Money speaks to everyone, but not to their poorer Palestine neighbours I fear. Turnbull doesn't care, he just wants to be good friends with his powerful mate.

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