Friday 3 February 2017

Saturday Dance and Theatre

A quick coffee at Ruby's before I have the joy of four  hours of Scottish Dancing, and unusually on a Saturday morning. Then hopefully a nap and a chance to see some great theatre at the Laycock as I have been invited to see 'Short 'n Sweet' with a friend who is participating in the final. This competition was created to encourage new small artists to present a theatrical work and be recognised at higher levels. I think the eventual finals will be Sydney. Anyway I'll see tonoght. But now to get to the hall for some hot dancing. And its going to be a steamy 32 degrees!
Shakespeare has always gender-bended but now it is really happening with this great Aussie actress
My next movie to see....
Sometimes it takes a foreigner to really appreciate what has been going on in Australia for the past two hundred years, and this man tells us some truths in his exhibition at the great Ballarat Art Gallery
America responds to its mad leader's rantings... When will he be impeached? It just must happen.
Reading at Ruby's

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