Monday 20 February 2017

Life goes on....

 Back at Woy woy where the weather has normalised a little and it is quite bearable. It is actually the same temperature as Wellington NZ I hear from Tom on a call last night. Summer has finally arrived there I am glad to hear, and it may well still be there when I arrive for my visit in a few weeks. Am looking forward very much to seeing my Kiwi friends.

The Pilger family certainly made a mark and had very humble origins, albeit with a mother who went to University. It does a make a difference on your children and how they lead their lives, as is well shown in film-maker John Pilger's obituary of his very high achieving and much loved bother, Graham.
Another trenchant observation of the hypocrisy and weakness of the our present Prime Minister.
Two vastly different views of Palestine and Israel, it will always be such I'm afraid.
Thai Buddhist monks following a money-making guru results in a possible lawsuit if they can find the hiding 'guru'. Buddhism has its problems too.
This case of Gordon Woods is now re-aired as he was wrongfully gaoled for his girlfriend's murder, but will the truth be revealed? He had a lot of detractors as he was such a high flyer, but now he is seeking his revenge. More money for the legal eagles. 
Aussie Ballet being the saviour for this young America dancer where the Australian health system came to his aid in a spectacular fashion. Ballet needs such good medicine and here it seems, we have it.

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