Saturday 4 February 2017

Heatwave resumes...!

This is the real reason I left for Tassie and Wellie, to avoid this steamy ultra- heat of the Sydney Summers. We are sweltering....

Well the local theatre effort was interesting but a bit thin and the winners were always going to be ok, but not at an extra high level. It was my friend' contribution which won, a mufti-media concoction, a bit blurry, about her dream of a mermaid, but it does certainly have development potential which was  what the competition was  really about.
Donald being The Donald, a persona he has created to his 'over' size!
Mel has returned with a new movie and new baby to boot! He cannot be kept down in good Aussie fashion I wonder?
Pauline Hanson wants her party to govern, but not for a long time I think.
Sun power now getting to be a no-brainer..
This article explains how easy and economical sun-power is....

The interesting letters showing people's various ideals...
The mad boxing  fraternity leaves wrecks in its wake.
When will I read the Iliad ...hopefully one day! Homer was patient so am I.

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