Tuesday 7 February 2017

Big changes, big rethinking...

There is no doubt this breakaway from the Lib-National party by Cory Bernardi wasn't done because of the success of Donald Trump. Bernardi spent three months in  the US during their elections wearing a red cap like Trump's. He is an unabashed supporter and on his return began his decision to defect to the discontent of his former Liberal Party colleagues. But he is a South Australian and they are a different breed. He will never get to the heights of Trump but he is satisfying what he feels deep in his heart, a conservatism which goes throughout his system, and one which is even more Far Right than Pauline Hanson. At least she supports the gays.  Bernardi is tunnel-visioned and a Christian fundamentalist, and as such he is a danger if he ever were in a place of power, which I strongly doubt will ever happen.
Cory Bernardi even has Tony Abbott off-side, his former mentor.
Does Pauline support his move, I think so!
Now it is getting super hot for Cardinal  Pell in Rome, will he be forced to return? No, he will be too ill !
The press is now in full pursuit of the Catholic Church and more revelations will appear. I wonder how my priest  brother is feeling in this spate of anti Catholic feeling?
This is a local man's mad response to his personal problems...a big fence. Probably he got the idea from Trump too.

I look forward to seeing the first production of Laramie on Friday night. It will doubtless be sold out and I am very interested to see the response of the audience. It is hard-hitting and sometimes brutal and will evince different things from different people.

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