Wednesday 1 February 2017

First Choir Day

This letter from a local Indigenous woman to the Telegraph needs to be read and acknowledged. She is eminently qualifed to have an opinion on our 'national anthem' and I agree completely with her.
The letter goes on....
This is one woman whom I may even meet one day as we live in the same precinct, Woy Woy Peninsula.
La Traviata, in all is drama and tempestuous glory, looks like a hot ticket at Sydney Opera House.
Drama unfolds in Quebec, shock-jocks blamed somehow in this awful massacre for helping create a zenophobic climate in Canada
In England more justice for the 'queers', now decriminalised but not before lots of heart aches and sorrow. 
Methinks Fillon is on the way out, this scandal is just not going away and he is quite replaceable.
A million Euros to his Welsh wife for editing his speeches basically, needs to be explained and it will be vary hard to justify.

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