Sunday 12 February 2017

Fiery weekend

The weekend was tragic for many in the west of NSW, with more than twenty homes burned to the ground. Bush fires ravage our high fire-risk country.
We were lucky on the coast....
Suzy Quatro was quite a legend and still is it seems.
Fascinating article about bulk billing and how the GPs really work for so little. The system must change for them really. This article should generate some letters.
Trump is very dangerous with his large felt-pen black signature always out-weighing the importance of what he signs. The risk of a US recession is imminent and it will be because of him.
An example of a great humble Aussie scientist who came from nowhere and did great things. This is an  excellent  obituary.
Another footballer disappears too young and he is an Islander to boot and will be sorely missed.

At Ruby's on the footpath is  an example of the need of our furry friends in these difficult times. This woman is constantly petting her dog who loves it, and her too I am sure. 

This afternoon I am starting my first Apple Mac class at Kincumber. I hope it is worth the trip and I have some doubts, but I do need some computer help.

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