Tuesday 14 February 2017

Funeral at St Mary's

Today is the funeral of Bill an old friend who used to be a Franciscan Anglican brother and wanted to be a priest but was not permitted for some unknown reason. He would have been a great priest but instead was a classical music DJ for the local community radio and did a fabulous job. A small group went to his chosen church, the old St Mary's Anglican Chapel on the hill. It was a very fitting place to say goodbye to Bill who was about 84 years old and probably quite ready to go.

I taught the young boys at this school many years ago, which now shows its guilt by cover-up.
More animal cruelty exposed....
This smiling mogul will soon have no smiles left at all I'm afraid.
As will this smiling pollie who has not much longer in power I predict.
Another Aboriginal death by police discrimination, It has to be remembered.
Dementia is now the scary prospect for so many, why, I wonder?
Trump's empire Is already crumbling as it was rotten from the very beginning....
This is the drift I get from the French SBS news as I still predict the rise of the centrist Emmanuel Macron who is the agent of change. They are all terrified.
Moir is always accurate and very funny.

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