Thursday 9 February 2017

The Laramie Project

Tonight is a big night. The first night of The Laramie Project to which I and two friends are going. Should be very interesting and is also on the day of the Big Heat Wave! I presume the theatre will be well air conditioned as if not, tempers might fray! The audience will be as fascinating as the players, perhaps even more.

This bejewelled Bishop might be Trumped yet. She is rash in her statement and should realise what a loose cannon and acknowledged misogynist Trump is. She might live to eat her words.
Finally we are getting great Aboriginal women in the posts we need them to be in.
 A Pommie coming out to help the same-sex marriage Bill. Let's hope he does a good job.
The sub-continent is fraught with discrimination on sexual and gender grounds but the Queer Festival will show some home truths. Will be interesting to see some of the events.
The power of the earth sound of the mesmerising didgeridoo. This Japanese man seems to have taken it to the next level in healing with a closer connection with nature. Would love to hear him play.
The big Indigenous sporting guns are out to publicise the skills of our players and uplift the Indigenous Spirit. Perhaps a game with a Maori team would be a spine-chilling affair, why not, bring it on I say!
Also re-connecting with their heritage is an all-important aspect of their success on the field.
Two of the greats Rugby League Indigenous stars......Johnathan Thurston and Laurie Daley
Here again the didgeridoo plays its part in the preparation....

Locals with the great idea of sharing their home grown food. It will certainly take off I believe, and has done already with many green-minded people.

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