Sunday 5 February 2017

Ouch, my back is gone!

Today is another day of heat...and pain. Back-pain to be precise, as I have done the unimaginable and wrenched an all-important back tendon which has made getting out of bed his morning a long and painful process. And it's not even my regular accustomed back disaster, the sacroiliac ( sp?). No, it's a muscular pain which means the week is up for grabs as I can't walk and am in pain most of the time. 

Luckily  Cherel's tenant and good friend Clive is a specialist 'back osteopath', and I have managed to make an appointment to see him tonight. In the meantime I am preparing to cancel my whole week of activities. Everything can wait as I have to attend to this debilitating health problem.
Picture of the beauty of NZ which I still haven't really experienced as this is the South Island in all its simple unadorned beauty. One day I hope to return....
Sydney summer madness....too bloody hot!
Richard Gill works his magic at the Sydney Recital Hall with a Flash Mob choir. Richard is an unabashed choir junkie, and genius! They are all singing Gloria Gaynor's 'I will survive', hommage to Donald Trump?
Tom Carroll comes clean with his Ice habit....
Sweden leads the way as it does in so many aspects, politically and socially....lots to teach the US, and the rest of the world.
This program on the ABC I will catch as it is quite close to home for me. I have a good Ice-addict friend and in reality, I left Gosford ten years ago because of a neighbour with Ice addiction. This awful drug affects everyone.

I manage to get to Ruby's for a coffee and then go home to rest up before my treatment tonight at seven. I only hope Clive is as good as Cherel says, as I need some 'magic hands'. It will mark a change in my health approach as I know my back need constant maintenance and it is yoga which is the best prevention. My Community gardening will best have to wait as it something my back is just not yet ready for. The other wake-up call  is 'drink more water' as dehydration adds to the causes of back problems I know that for a fact. Now to hobble home.

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