Wednesday 15 February 2017

Sydney Rehearsals...

Back to Sydney Choir rehearsals tonight and am still getting used to the late return at night. I'll have to see how it goes as rehearsals are getting more frequent closer to the concert day and it will be tough to fit them all in. Again I may have over-committed, but I'll just give it a go and see how it turns out. If it is too much, I'll just drop it and at least I tried it out.
I may well see this epic movie although at 166 minutes it's a long haul although for Martin Scorsese's sake I will be patient. He is one of the most brilliant directors of film and deserves a place in the pantheon of modern cinema. Filmed in Japan it sounds like a cinematographer's dream. 
Aussie film 'Tanna' up for the best foreign film at the Oscars, this will be a  must-see  when it appears eventually on our shores.
Another Aussie writer bites the dust after forty years of smoking. What a career he had, finally living in Canada for most of his life and having a great effect on many of the great rock'n roll stars of the era. Wow!
Aussie Sport is such a religion it even leaves disasters like this in its wake. How poor Grant Hackett will get through this is now up to him and his will-power in getting through what is a huge quagmire of depression and addiction. I feel sorry for him.

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