Tuesday 21 February 2017

Surprise meeting.

A phone call from an old friend made the Ruby's coffee visit all the more interesting today. Scott brought his new dog, a girl called Tinker, along so I had an early 'dog-hit' this week. He gave me news of his family all grown-up and left home and he is now alone with his English-born wife Sharon. He seems very happy but no longer singing HU. You never know he may decide to try out again if I invite him one day.
Moir with Trump's idea of the many faceted truth coming to the microphone. What will come out next? No-one has any idea, least of all 'the Donald'.
Some sense finally coming out of the Royal Commision, and this time it is from an Asian Bishop who says it as it is, and incidentally was also abused when he was a young refugee, so he knows exactly what he is talking about. Let's hope they listen to him - the problem lies heavily with the Catholic hierarchy.
Scott holding a well-secured Tinker under the table outside Ruby's.
At the Basement this is the sort of music I would love to hear live, uplifting and exciting, infused with love and Afro-cuban history.
Again this crazy fall from the sky raises many questions about pilots and their skills and their 'use-by' date.

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