Wednesday 30 April 2014

Family Lunch

I wonder how many people fear having a big lunch party with their family. In my case, it is a duty rather than a pleasure as I have very little in common with my immediate family apart from blood parentage.That's just how it is and nothing will change it. So I invite a lovely lady to be there and she will always leaven the atmosphere with a bit of fun and wine and the lunch becomes much more bearable.

The fish meal bro prepares is quite good and healthy. My dessert is a little rich and unhealthy, but we all eat everything and pay the piper afterwards. Mission is however, accomplished.
Tomorrow I think I will spend with other people, non-family,  as family duty has been satisfied. I look forward to lunch with an old friend, then a movie and supper with another very old friend. This should prove a very satisfactory end to my Sydney recovery time and then I'll be ready on Friday to sink back into my hectic schedule in Wellington.

Toasting the chef

Helping with the singing....

...the post-prandial stroll to the beach.

Beautiful cloud formations above..

..relaxing later on verandah.

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