Wednesday 30 July 2014

Bangarra Dance Company in Perth

Day five in Perth and I realise suddenly I should be in the air flying home to Wellington. Things to do there which I really want to do, and also a house to maintain. If I even come again to the West it will be a four day maximum trip, however so be it, I am here so make the most of it. 

Last night at the fabulous new State Theatre in Northbridge we went to see the first night of the Sydney based Aboriginal Dance Company, Bangarra, a troupe I have often seen before but this current   production is beyond words...superlative! We had marvellous back row stalls seats with great sight lines and the great dancers were rapturously recieved by a packed and very young audience. It augurs very well for their future, but then that was never in doubt. They are unique, supremely talented and marvellously directed by the amazing Page brothers, Stephen and David at the height of their powers. And more power to them they bring Aboriginal culture to the fore in such a palatable artistic way and yet tell the real story of the white man's invasion of their country. Last night's dance was in no way different to their mission, to tell the Aboriginal story, but it was told in a sympathetic way about the interaction between the white man Botanist Dawes, an early arrival in this new country, and his relationship with an Aboriginal woman, called Patyegarang, the eponymous title to the production. It was absolutely fabulous and made the trip West worthwhile if just for that. As it says in the program blurb 'A gift of Australian History in a remakable dance experience about First Contact'. 
Just fantastic.

Indside the State Theatre foyer

The new Cottesloe cat Mollie

Beach front at Cottesloe

Lunch at East Perth with dear Eckist friends E and J

Now on to cooking my Orange Cake and waiting for the Family Trip to the country tomorrow. I am now counting down..

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