Saturday 19 July 2014

Departure for Melbourne

This morning wake-up went like clockwork, but when travelling, expect the unexpected. Ready on the dot of 3.30am the shuttle bus was on time ( but had no coins so I tipped $4) after two changes of Check- in counter we are here waiting for the gates to open, two hours before but no-one at security, even the coffee machine is not open. We are a small town here in Wellington I always foreget that, even when in so-called International flights to OZ.
Preparing for first customers
Patiently waiting, she knows what it's like. Next time I
think I'll lie about my departure time and then arrive only one hour early which is more than ample for Wellington. Last night's farewell dinner went well and my House Manifesto was accepted with a smile - all is well at No.42 Evans Bay Pde.

Am first through security when it finally does open and feel the need for sustenance as no food is served in this cheap flight to Melbourne. A BLT later (below) and a luke-warm but tasty coffee, I am now waiting for an hour before the call. All is good, and now for Melbourne.

Here are the two sorts of Wellington professionals, the Lawyer and the Judge, take your pick as to which is which! The hirsute, behatted gent has a sharp moustache, and the the man gazing at him may well be even a doctor going to the AIDS Conference. 

The waiting area is finally filling up. I suppose my early arrival is to be commended as I have no rush and associated stress, just time for a leisurely coffee and some breakfast, tres civilise d'ailleurs. I must learn to accept nmy new-found habit of early arriving and be happy with it. The background music is awash with the comforting voice of my favourite female singer today, Adele.

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