Thursday 17 July 2014

Full house at 42

It was something I have waited a month for and last night with a celebratory dinner of Italian style pasta, I entertained my new housemates from Kashmir and Paris. They wolfed down a lovely meal and then Sonny unpacked his large bags and settled into the Tiger Room making his mark with Tibetan flags on his doorway. Already Fir had prepared for his arrival with the Hindi protection Goddess hanging ouside his room. Such again is the serendipity of living the balanced life.

A day later and another terrible plane bombing in the Ukraine, Russian terrorists the cause, with nearly 300 dead of which 100 were en route to Melbourne's International AIDS conference, the one I am attending on Sunday. Whatawful news for everyone concerned. It will create a pall over the whole week with little to celebrate. 
Had a long talk with Sonny and discover his background is quite elevated and erudite, with his father a sculptor and grandfather a famous radical educationalist in Kashmir, in the mode of Rudolf Steiner.
He shows me his website which is quite impressive but written in an Indian style English which I have offered to help him with. 'Kitchen Atelier' is his moniker.

Sonny's Tibetan room...
Sonny and Ilham at first night dinner
My last BnB guest Lyndy at breakfast.

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