Friday 25 July 2014

Final Day - Love Your Condom

This is the sole Kiwi presentation on the very large Clarendon Auditorium.I will see half here then another half  on aging around in Rooms  B and C. Just to see how professional this mob is. A welcome given in Maori by Jordan Harris to begin the event.
First speaker is Nick Laing, G.M. NZAF who in turn introduced Jason Myers his swan song with NZAF.
About fifty in audience including Charlie and me.
LYC social marketing context in NZ. 
1986 Homosexual Law reform
2103 Marriage Equality Law

At Angels Espresso opposite Marisa's who of course wasn't there for our rendezvous.
It is now time to write post cards to Wellington....

The day couldn't be more perfect weather-wise that is. My much vaunted R.V. with old friend Marisa did not eventuate which didn't surprise me in the least.
Her cleaning lady Margaret met me at the door informing me that M had an urgent visit to the vet with her much beloved Sootie, her life long doggie companion of many years. I wish them both the best although I fear that M may not be in such a good state given the condition of the apartment from the front door. It makes me very aware that living in my small but isolated town of Wellington is not a bad idea after all. Cities can be unforgiving. 

The small cafe Engel is opposite the Sofitel where I am now, with a less than exciting lunch. The food here in no way equals that in Wellington, even a simple foccacia sandwich. But then I knew that anyway. However Melbourne still gives out an inexorable charm, people seem happy and well fed, and the weather is benign. Two more meetings today and my official time here is over and I will be on Perth energy, another state of mind completely. I am missing the closing Ceremony, more speeches which I feel are predictable, although the passing over to the next host city, Durban, could be of great interest. I am sorry to miss that. Perhaps I will try to make it.

Well, I did make it, and happily sat next to NZ CEO Bruce to share the experience. The many speeches  were emotional and expected, with a couple from the Positive population easily the best and also the best received. The baton was passed on to the new AIS director and much was said about the worthof  the outgoing director. The new man is the first openly gay AIS  director, a statement which received an appreciative round of very warm applause. Finally after ninety minutes of speaking, Bob Geldof came on stage, wearing body mike, and proceeded to regale all with his personal philosophy and managed at the same time to alienate a few who walked out early, including Bruce and I who needed to leave on time but who agreed 'enuf was enuf'.
Such was the end of the 2104 International AIDS  conference. Will I be in Durban for the conference of 2106? I don't think so.

Caught up with Hobart mate W enjoying the conference....

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