Friday 4 July 2014

Falling over....ouch!

Late this morning, feeling good having done my market shopping in Newtown and deciding to go to Cafe Baobab for a cake and chai, I was walking briskly down the street and paused to look into a cafe I hadn't seen before. Boom, I was flat on my back, not having see a pot plant placed judiciously behind me where I fell, flat, splat on my bottom, and in full sight of the patrons inside the said cafe munching away at their lunches. Needless to say I was noticed, tried as much as I could to retain some dignity, brushed my hands and said 'I'm OK' and just walked on. No doubt tonight or tomorrow I will feel some of the results of a near 70 year old falling from grace. But luckily except for a scratch on my wrist from my metal watch band, I seem perfectly alright. Perhaps it is the Scottish dancing, or whatever, but nothing is hurt, except my pride of course, lol.

Falls happen to older people a lot, I notice. My Scottish dance friend has just recovered from a broken wrist from a simple fall on the quay at Wellington esplanade. And on the day before she was to travel to Florida - not a welcome event to say the least. But she recovered very well, and she is a Scottish dancer too. So perhaps I must thank this sport form for keeping me free of injury. Although it seems that soon I may have to relinquish this addiction, as my new choir, which I dearly love, is now singing on the day of my Scottish dance.  It is a decision I will have to make in a couple of weeks after my housemate dilemma is resolved, which I hope, may be this weekend. More about that tomorrow.

This afternoon I am off to Film Archives, the best place for Kiwi history, to see an interesting movie which I will talk about after I see it. It will be instructive I am sure. In the meantime, it's Cafe Baobab and a chai.
My chai and demolished cake..

Original portrait on wall..

Cool clientele...

The fabulous Film Archive..

The film, a typical Kiwi spoof, shot at all my local spots, was a send up of young Kiwis living and dating in the 2000s. Called 'How to meet a girl from a distance', it was about an anti-hero, as always, a lovely blonde girl, and a qwerky story of unmet love expectations, all resulting in a most amusing rom-com sort of film. Very enjoyable and very local! 

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