Saturday 5 July 2014

Wonderful Wellie Day

The sun dawned early it seemed, and the rays filtered into my room making me feel so lucky I lived here in this beautiful house. I wonder why I am having such problems finding someone to share it, perhaps I had better reduce the price even a bit more as I know the Kiwis don't have big purses. This afternoon I am expecting not one, but two Kiwi ladies to come and look, one at the large one, and one at the small one. I will be fascinated to see the outcome. If they are not good I will readvertise, yet again. The right person will eventuate, I know.

However a little blip on the horizon this morning when my phone went dead. Especially after I had been trying to contact my brother whose phone also seemed dead, but was it mine? I emailed Telecom, and had a long email conversation and the worker said he would send a technician out tomorrow as it seemed not to be internal, but a cable problem. Then half an hour later a call from a different woman from telecom said a techie coming from Porirua would pass by soon if I was home. Glory be! 

Half an hour later a tired techie mounted the stairs and said that, yes, it was a cable problem and he'd have to examine outside. I breathed a sigh of relief as if inside the cost is astronomical, $200 upwards. An hour later I  get a call, all is well he has found the cable break and connected it with another one. I am back on air, thanks to the ECK, as I have been HUing like mad. But what was remarkable was the gentle approach of the techie, the efficiency of telecom and all in all I am astonished and impressed with the NZ response. I had been set for a worrying weekend but now I just have to interview two ladies, whenever they turn up, and that is another conundrum!

In the meantime I have cooked up a storm as I always cook when under a little stress, it does me the world of good and I also have food in the house. A rhubarb and apple crumble and some rice and veggies - tons to eat. All is now good in the world!
Morning sun...

So beautiful...

What a house this is...

Just back from ballroom dancing, and told everyone I had found an ideal housemate, but it is not official till the cheque is in the bank, so keep your silence please. :  )

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