Wednesday 23 July 2014

Day Four....exhaustion sets in!

Wednesday and it feels like I've been her at least a week. The schedule is daunting and only the fit survive. Last night after the fantastic candlelight Memorial at Fed. Square I slept a worthy night to be ready for a new day of hectic activities, but it was finally reduced, thank goodness, to a film and an excellent performance by an American now living in Canada, who was a very classy Cellist. He told his story with intermittent renditions of Cello classics, it was quite amazing and he showed just what a great talent he has.

The film, a doco by a young Melbourne youth worker, was less than exciting, but interesting for me as I knew well one of the young protagonists. I didn't stay for the Q and A as he wasn't there.
Leaving quickly, but not before I did my photo/interview for the New York artist documenting long-term HIV survivors. I don't think she expected a story like mine but I was happy to give it. Who knows, one day I may see it in NYC.

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