Monday 28 July 2014

Fremantle sun

After a lovely night with nephew and wife with their two kids I am having a recovery coffee in Fremantle at Il Cibo, a smart but ultra expensive cafe with average coffee. And of course NO service. It seems service was left behind in Wellington! The young workers here have no idea of being charming or giving a smile when they begrudgingly offer you their wares. I certainly would not return here.
A hungry Perth customer...
...having been served by their non existent serving staff.

Life in Perth is spoilt. Things are just too good here and it is reflected in the the crime rate and big fences surrounding the million dollar houses. It is not a place I would ever care to live.

Town Hall Fremantle

Quiet street with middle-aged busker beating out Beatles songs
Well the sun is shining and my warm winter fleecy jacket from Wellie is proving to be a little excessive, as I feared it may be. However it is good to be getting some vitamin D from the sun which it appears I have been lacking in supplying calcium to my teeth. Something Agnes alerted me to last night and which I am sure  to be true, so on to vitamin D supplements asap.

Life as you see in the Freo photos, is laid back and easy in the West, the weather being part of its reason and part of its problem. Who wants to work in weather like this! The old Town Hall clock tower is now ringing out the eleven o'clock chimes and the sun is high and hot in the blue sky, just softly dotted with wispy white clouds.  I am sure the surfies are out on their boards at Cottesloe Beach at this very moment. 

Now to buy some oranges for the almond cake offering this Saturday morning tea at the farewell to Nellie at the Wotherpoons.

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