Tuesday 1 July 2014

Another day, another ad.!

What an interesting night last night. H. finally turned up after texting me at least ten times trying to find the right bus, where to get off etc etc. I knew from her high maintenance arrival that she would not fit my bill, and she didn't, altho she and Fir seemed to get along quite well. But after receiving her advice on how to run a BnB I thought it time to say good bye, which I did. Today a new ad, a different price, a new approach, I never say die! Also received news from B. and things are not good there so he is also off the list, so I am now back to square one, but am a lot wiser. I know that when you have someting good to sell there is always someone to buy it, you just have to wait for that person to appear, which I will.

The two young guests from Holland arrived in good time, no problems there, they found their way much easier fhan the native Wellingtonian! They are leaving early to explore Wellington and already seem to love it. They will stay two more days and are really nice, leaving very early Friday morning. The BnB part is working well so far, and the company is good, so there is no reason to change my mind about anything yet. I'll just go with the flow...

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